Troubleshooting - verifying email address

Haven't received verification email

- mistyped email address with profile ?
Make sure you've entered your email address correctly with your profile
(- email address contain one '@' character and usually don't contain spaces and don't start with 'www')

- spam filters and filters by internet providers ?
You might need to either disable the filter or allow emails sent to you from the domain

- your mailbox is full ?
Some mailboxes have limited storage - and if they are full further emails are rejected

- how do I get a new verification email ?
You can have the verification email re-sent from your 'My profile' page

Got confirmation about verification, but still can't send/read messages
After receiving confirmation about the verification you need to login again to see the update in your profile

If the above doesn't cover the problem you're experiencing then you should write me ( ) - but please make sure that the issue isn't covered here in the help section - you might be able to resolve the issue yourself and now (I get more than 150 emails daily!)

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