Troubleshooting - creating a profile

How do I get/create a profile?
You can create a profile by selecting the "New profile / join" entry in the navigation area (located to the left on all pages on the site).

Blank profile after profile creation
'Cookies' in your internet browser is probably disabled or blocked by a 'security program' - you can see how to make sure cookies are enabled here
Your profile has probably been created so after enabling cookies you should be able to login.

Get a 'username missing' error although a username was entered
You can receive this error message if you've used special/foreign characters in your profiletext - try to stick to international characters and remove national characters and create the profile again.

I want to create a profile but my friend/roomie's profile is active when I access the site!
You'll have to temporary disable the 'auto login' feature that is used
  1. Go to the 'My profile' page (it will display your friend's profile)
  2. Uncheck the 'auto login' checkbox
  3. Click the 'Update' button
  4. Close the browser
Open a new browser window and access the site, you should now see a 'New profile / join' entry in the menu, do a profile :-)

If you both wish to use the site from the same computer and one of you use the auto login feature (only one can do so on one computer) the other can login by going directly to the login page

If the above doesn't cover the problem you're experiencing then you should write me ( ) - but please make sure that the issue isn't covered here in the help section - you might be able to resolve the issue yourself and now (I get more than 150 emails daily!)

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